Wednesday 31 May 2017


One of the criticisms made about JAMES BOND is that he's a cr*p secret agent because he can walk into any bar in the world and the barman will say "Hello, Mr. Bond - vodka martini, shaken, not stirred - coming right up!"  Someone so well-known could never be an effective secret agent runs the cry, so 007 is obviously rubbish at being one.  However, those who say this haven't really thought things through.  Here's why.

James Bond's cover story is that he's a sales rep for UNIVERSAL EXPORT(S) (later TRANSWORLD CONSORTIUM in the novels) and it's therefore perfectly legitimate that, in that role, he'd regularly travel the world and be known in various hotels and bars in different countries.  So next time you hear someone say Bond is a lousy secret agent because he's too well-known, point out to them that it ain't necessarily so.


  1. You can absolutely be well known and be a spy.

  2. That was interesting - ta much, PS.


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