Wednesday 17 May 2017


Image copyright MARVEL COMICS

Sadly, there's no FANTASTIC FOUR mag around these days.  Can MARVEL truly be Marvel without its founding family having their own comicbook?  So here's a question for you.  If Marvel were to bring back the FF in their own mag, just who would you like to see writing and drawing it from among the current creative talent?  (Oh, that's a good, thought-provoking question, ain't it?)

Right, let's be hearing from you.


  1. I don't know if that is possible, but I literally day dram about that or w wel well done Kirby heavy TV series. I am going to a comic convention (yes at my age) in two weeks and will ask Stan Lee who he thinks could do it. Seriously, if lines are not too long for meet and ($$) greet.

  2. I'm not sure Stan will even have heard of most of the current crop of comics creators, M, but it wouldn't hurt to ask. Thing is, unlike when I met Stan, these meet & greets nowadays state that you're not allowed to touch him, so you might not even be allowed to engage him in conversation. It's a case of get your paid photo taken, then move along.

  3. Yeah,$125 for photo OR $125 for autograph. I hope my grey hair and MMMS button will make him listen to me. As for artists, I agree. Heck I have no idea who should draw them. I think, in my opinion, that if there can be a Defenders and Inhuman TV series, why not go all the way and do the FF, but fer god's sake, properly!! One can dream, Kid.

  4. So if you want an autographed photo, it costs you $250? Wow! That must be the event organisers who make these charges. They probably pay Stan a fee to turn up, then make it back off the photos and autographs, plus the entry fee (if there is one) to get into the place. When I met Stan, he signed about 7 books for me, posed for a couple of photos (one shaking hands and one with his arm 'round my shoulder), and it didn't cost me a penny. I'd say this is probably your last chance to meet him 'though, so might be worth stumping up the dosh.

  5. Ed McGuinness is one of my favourite modern artists and he and writer Jeph Loeb created the Red Hulk (aka General Thunderbolt Ross) about 10 years ago so they'd be an excellent team for a new FF comic.

  6. Know the second name, but not the first, CJ. Not much of a fan of these different coloured Hulks to be honest. I'd like to see Steve Rude draw a new FF mag.

  7. On art I would like to see either Steve Epting (think he did FF for a while) or Sean Philips if going for a realistic take on the art. But ideally I would love to see Chris Samnee on the FF. For writing it I would give to Mark Waid (his Daredevil comic was excellent)

  8. H'mm, Chris Samnee would be interesting, PM, mainly because his style isn't one I'd automatically think of in relation to the FF. Mark Waid writes some good stuff, so he'd be an excellent choice.

  9. Mark Waid would indeed be a fine choice, as would James Robinson as they both "get" the classic Silver / Bronze Age heroes. Whether either of them are "cool" enough for a top Marvel title nowadays is a different matter. Artist-wise I'd love to see John Romita Jr tackle the FF, or maybe Marcos Martin who has a lovely, retro style.

  10. I wasn't too impressed when Romita Jr. drew an FF story a few years back (The last FF story maybe?), Cer, I think I'd much rather see his dad draw it. I'm not really up to date with all the current creators, so I'm struggling to come up with names myself.

    1. I admit JR jr. Much like Frank Miller. His art has deteriorated dramatically. Personally I like Mike Allred or Steve Rude. They are both good old fashioned draughtsmen. With a retro feel.

  11. I know what you mean, Kid. I've got very few suggestions for filling this post but luckily I'm not a Marvel editor :-)

    The first FF comic I ever owned ( #108 ) was drawn by Jazzy Johnny Romita during his brief, post-Kirby run on the title. I'd love to see him work on the FF now, although his style probably wouldn't sell enough comics nowadays ( I know, the world's gone mad! ) and I guess he's retired now anyway...

  12. Ah, but imagine his great storytelling style, but coloured in the 'modern' way, Cer. That'd surely be a hit?! Yeah, he's retired, but I was imagining an 'ideal world' scenario.

  13. Yup, although Allred is perhaps just a bit too cartoony. I think I'd prefer Rude, 'though it would be great if Byrne could do it again. (Although I'm cheating, as he's not really a 'current' creator, being one of the old guys now.)

  14. Rude is a great choice. Others I can think of are Alex Ross and Bruce Timm ( who does a very sexy Invisible Girl!) Darwyn Cooke has alas gone too early.
    I really liked the Ron Frenz/ Sinnott partnership of 30 years ago.....especially on covers. On the insides Frenz would frustratingly move from Kirby to Buscema style then back again over and over again within the same story...causing me great confusion! Consistency does count for something!
    Jazzy Johnny did one of my favourite FF Covers (Marvel Treasury 2, front and back covers), although his time on the FF was ruined by Verpoorten (in my opinion).
    My first US FF was 151, by Thomas, Conway, Buckler and Sinnott....and I really liked that that era of FF for me it would be special if they came back together. But the first time I ever saw the FF was on the cover of MWOM 10....with a brilliant, brilliant cover by....STARLIN and SINNOTT. So, in the absence of Lee and Kirby, they get my vote!!!!

  15. That always irked me as well, '64 - Frenz switching between Kirby and Buscema. I think he's a great artist, but he should've picked one style to emulate and stuck with it. I've got that FF Treasury Edition, a very nice item. Just took a look at the cover of MWOM #10 and, indeed, it's a good one. I don't think Jim Starlin draws comics any more 'though, only writes them, and Joe Sinnott is, of course, retired. Still, it's your dream-team, so it's a valid suggestion.


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