Tuesday 9 May 2017


Image copyright DC COMICS

Continuing our perusal of pin-ups from SUPERMAN: The MAN Of STEEL GALLERY mag, here's one by AL PLASTINO, the veteran artist tasked with redrawing most of JACK KIRBY's Superman figures in JIMMY OLSEN 133 and The FOREVER PEOPLE #1.  Not exactly a great blend of styles, and rendering the point of having Jack drawing Superman a rather redundant exercise, but hey - that's comics for you!  (Saying that, I didn't mind MURPHY ANDERSON inking faces in subsequent issues.)


  1. I get your point. The Plastino stuff was odd like the Superman figure had slipped in from another universe, but somehow the Murphy Anderson figures blended in better with the Colletta inks.

    Rip Off

  2. That's because Anderson only inked the Superman/Clark and Jimmy faces, RJ - the bodies were still by Kirby. In fact, in one issue, Anderson re-pencilled the faces, and then Colletta inked the whole shebang, which worked a lot better. Glad to see your still soldiering on at this sad time for you.


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