Monday 15 May 2017


Image copyright DC COMICS

One thing that always bothered me about sidekicks is that it sort of gave away a hero's secret identity.  Take CAPTAIN AMERICA for example, and his teen sidekick BUCKY - which also 'happened' to be the name of STEVE ROGERS' sidekick (and Camp mascot).  Okay, in ROBIN's case, his hero name was different from his real one, but an older man kicking about with a teenager is a bit of a giveaway, right?  At the very least, it's liable to get him talked about - in a reputation-damaging way.

That said, however, this is a great pin-up by BRIAN BOLLAND, so let's put all these nasty thoughts out of our mind.  You listening, FREDRIC WERTHAM?


  1. And if Bruce Wayne adopted a ward (Dick Grayson) at the same time that Batman first partnered with a sidekick, and if Wayne adopted a new ward (Jason Todd, Tim Drake) each time that Batman acquired a new sidekick, that might be the final clue that an identity-hunter needed.

  2. Indeed, TC. And when you think about it, that domino mask isn't much of a disguise, is it?


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