Sunday 7 May 2017


DALEKS copyright BBC TV and the Estate of TERRY NATION.
Dr. WHO copyright BBC TV

Someone asked to see The DALEKS DVD set, so here it is.  There are three cards, two of which feature the two movies, while the third card has an army of the Scions of SKARO.  (Actually, it's only one Dalek, duplicated multiple times.)  The back of each card respectively lists the scene index for the films and DALEKMANIA documentary, and the discs show artwork from the posters.

Here - take a look for yourselves...


  1. Thanks Kid nice to see. I might track those down. I remember that black Dalek, had some Dalek toys once upon a time!


  2. Nae bother. I've got more Dalek toys and stuff NOW than I ever had.

  3. I've never actually seen the DVD discs in the flesh, I just have the CDs of the films!

  4. Well, you've seen 'em now, JP - on the best blog in Britain. (He said, deludedly.)


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