Friday 26 May 2017


Image copyright MARVEL COMICS

Classic because it's the first appearance of WOLVERINE on a cover.  Who'd have guessed the diminutive mutant would go on to become such a huge star in the MARVEL firmament?  And would HUGH JACKMAN have made such an impact in the X-MEN movies if he'd had to wear that garish looking costume seen above?  Given that Hugh is around a foot taller than the character he plays, I'm surprised Marvel haven't found an excuse to change Wolverine's height in the comics.


  1. I used to have this comic and "lost" it in my collection sometime ago - probably gave it away or it got crushed etc. Worth a wee fortune as well. I was surprised Wolverine became such a hit as he always struck me as being an average character at first.

  2. Yeah, he was nothing special. It's amazing what sticks and what doesn't, eh?

  3. I can see the attration of Wolvie and I do like him myself, but I could never understand why he was regarded as most people's favourite X-Man. Yeah, he is good, but what about Cyclops?!
    And I wasn't happy with the way Cyke was portrayed in that first X-Men film!

  4. Yeah, but you probably like the character as he later became, JP. His potential wasn't all that obvious at the beginning. I quite liked the X-Men films, but it's just a pity they couldn't stick closer to the comic's continuity.


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