Sunday 28 May 2017


Now this is the kind of face any
fella would love to wake up to every
morning.  Let's face it though - the only
real chance of that happening for most of
us would be a photo of BECKY RULE's
gorgeous visage taped to the ceiling.  (I've
got a better chance than you lot 'cos I'm
handsome and charming - and modest
 too, as is obvious to everyone.)


  1. I nominate Becky Rule as the next Doctor Who - you'd watch a woman Doctor then eh, Kid ? As promised I watched yesterday's episode (via iplayer which we'll soon have to "sign in" to before using..bah !) and it was quite enjoyable so I'll watch part 2 next week.

  2. No, I wouldn't watch Becky as Dr. Who, CJ, but I'd watch her as his assistant. Next week's episode is part 3 by the way, it was part 2 you watched last night.

  3. Ah, so did the Doctor get blinded in part 1 ?

  4. I think it happened in the episode before that, CJ, but it was a different adventure.


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