Friday 28 April 2017


Elusive BOB PAYNTER.  They seek him here, they seek him there... (you know the rest)

Legendary cartoonist TERRY BAVE is looking to get in touch with his former editor and old friend BOB PAYNTER.  Bob, if you get to read this (or hear about it), would you contact me via the comments section and we'll work out a way for you and Terry to make contact.  He'd dearly like to catch up with you and reminisce about the good old days.  Go on, make his day.


If anybody has Bob's contact details, if you let me know, I'll pass them onto Terry & Shiela.  Any help would be greatly appreciated.


Update: And I'm sure you'll all be glad to know that, thanks to Bob's granddaughter, who chanced upon this post, Bob and Terry (no, not the ones from The Likely Lads) are now back in touch again and reminiscing over old times.  Don't you just love a happy ending?

Another update: As the comics world knows by now, Terry died on December 6th 2018, but at least he and Bob were reunited and managed to get in quite a few sessions of reminiscing by 'phone and letter before Terry passed away.  I spoke to Terry on the 'phone every so often, and he told me it meant a lot to him that he and Bob were back in touch.  Crivens is sometimes regarded as 'controversial' by some people, but without it, the pair might never have heard from each other again.  If that's the only good thing it's ever done, then it's served at least one useful purpose.

GINGER with a sketch of his mum & dad


  1. That's a coincidence, there's a Ginger Pitt as well as a Ginger Bave! Poor old lad has got an overactive thyroid, don't get me starting on vet's bills!

  2. Did you ever read Whizzer & Chips, JP, or were you too old for it? Terry & Shiela's strip 'Ginger's Tum' was in it.

    1. I used to get it regularly for my younger brother and, of course, read every word myself too! ( too old? - I'm not even too old NOW! )
      Incidentally, our Ginger's tum wobbles from side to side when he runs! I take him for short walks around the estate and he shows off!

  3. That sounds a bit like MY tum when I'm out for a walk. Must cut something out of my diet. I know - I'll put less sauce on my chips.

  4. Bob Paynter is my Grandad! I will let him know about this post.

  5. That would be great, thanks.

  6. Hello, Grandad (Bob Paynter) would like to get in contact with Terry do you have an email address for him I could pass on?

  7. I do have Terry's email address, but he doesn't check for mail very often. Besides, I don't want to publish it publicly. May I suggest that you send me Bob's email address via this comment section, which I won't publish (so no one but me will see it). I'll then send Terry's 'phone number to Bob. Would that be okay?

  8. Only 6 editions of the Cor! comic had the main page changed to accommodate cartoons sent in by readers. I was lucky enough to have mine printed on the front of the Cor! comic and won a pound in 1975 . I have 6 copies of that issue in mint condition. I would like to know who were the artist who tided the cartoons. Thank you


  9. Cor!! was merged into Buster in June 1974, so you can't have a 1975 issue. The kind of work you describe was usually carried out by art assistants, commonly referred to as 'bodgers'. Could've been Paul Ailey or Derek Pierson, or just about anyone in the art department, so unfortunately I can't be specific if you mean who 'changed' the main page to accommodate readers' cartoons. If, however, you mean who drew the readers' cartoons, without seeing it I couldn't tell you. What's the date on the comic, and is it an issue of Buster & Cor!! or just Cor!! itself?


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