Sunday 30 April 2017


Joke pages in comics didn't often strike me as containing particularly funny gags.  Here's a couple of exceptions which actually made me chuckle, from a 1969 ish of SMASH!  Perhaps you'll like them too - if so, let me know.


  1. That first joke probably wouldn't be allowed nowadays because Native American has replaced Indian.

  2. Don't worry about that, CJ - it's allowed on MY blog.

  3. I was just thinking that the first joke would not be allowed now. Even the second one might be considered politically incorrect.

  4. There you go then, TC - I'm a rebel for posting them! I can hear the police sirens outside - I may be gone for some time.

  5. It's not that the first joke wouldn't be allowed. It's that since no one says injun anymore the joke wouldn't work. Kids would go injun? What's that? As an example I'm taking my son and his friend to see Raiders of the Lost Ark on the big screen this weekend. She's never seen it! Sometimes shared cultural reference points disappear. Odd isn't it.

  6. They'll always be injuns to me, PS. I don't see the word as being offensive, and don't use it that way. Cowboys and Native Americans just doesn't sound right.


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