Saturday 8 April 2017


Images copyright MARVEL COMICS

I've shown this cover before, but last time I used an ALAN CLASS reprint to highlight the differences.  The one above is as it was originally drawn and lettered (apart from the spelling of 'Pharaoh', which was corrected for its initial printing in an early MARVEL MASTERWORKS volume, from which the above image comes), and the one below is as it originally appeared to the panting public back in 1963, spelling error and all.  (The image below is taken from a later, more archival printing of the same volume.)  A great KIRBY piece indeed.


  1. I need to check now to see how Fantastic spelt it!

  2. I don't need to check, JP - just like Alan Class, Fantastic retained the spelling error. So much for comics being educational some might say, but I've seen the word mispelt in newspapers just a few short years ago.

    1. Although at the foot of Fantastic #8 it is actually spelt correctly!

  3. Yup, but they published the strip uncorrected inside. Maybe they just didn't notice.

  4. I'm actually a fan of this clunky golden Iron Man. Ditko may have given us a better design but the sheer unwieldiness of this version has an adverse appeal. He looks clunky and made or armor. My understanding is Kirby designed it though he didn't pen the origin story,

  5. I like the original design too, PS. Kirby gave him a bullet head, but when Heck inked him, he tweaked it to give Iron Man a chin.

    Kid, found a correct spelling cover, if you wanted to add it?

  7. Thanks, but you haven't been paying attention, JP. That same image (scanned from my copy of the first printing of the Masterworks volume) is already on the post. I even say so in the text itself. Straight down to Specsavers with you, m'lad.

    1. And there was me thinking I had found something new!
      ( Doh! )

  8. At least you're on the lookout for new stuff, JP. That's something.

    1. My old Grandad used to say to me, "More haste, less SPEED, lad!" And he was so right! I'm still like that now! I go blundering around the internet now!
      What I was doing was looking through early TOS's for the Iron Man on Fantastic #1 ( plus the Spidey early Romitas for the pic on Pow!#1. Still haven't found 'em yet, though!

  9. The Iron Man Man pic is redrawn from the splash page of Tales Of Suspense #41, and the Spidey pic on Pow! #1 is originally by Ditko, not Romita. It comes from Spidey Annual # 1, page 14.

    1. Oh yeah, Kid, you told me over on my blog too and I thanked you profusely over there.... BUT, no harm in thanking you over here too!
      Kid, - You're a STAR and a Gent, sir!
      I actually thought that the Spidey didn't look slim enough to be a Ditko!
      ....But, then again, you know what MY eyes are like!
      BTW, I've found the Subby from Terrific #1 and put your 2 Strange Tales on now, so all my "Power Of Marvels" are now up to date!
      Cheers again for all your help!

  10. What? No cheque in the post? (Pleasure to be able to help, JP.)


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