Monday 10 April 2017


Images copyright MARVEL COMICS

Above is a production stat of the cover to AVENGERS #4 as originally drawn and lettered, below as it was published.  As you can see, CAPTAIN AMERICA's right head winglet has been altered to match the left one, and the jagged outline around the larger caption has been removed, along with the words 'THE REAL'.

This was in reference to a Cap impostor having recently appeared in a HUMAN TORCH story in STRANGE TALES #114.  MARVEL obviously wanted us to know the original was back, but then must've realised that we were smart enough to figure that out for ourselves.  The SUB-MARINER caption has also been slightly repositioned.

Marvel amended the production stat for their first printing of The Avengers MARVEL MASTERWORKS in 1988, but overlooked the head winglet.  Below is how it appeared in that valiant volume.


  1. It's nice to know that Stan placed so much importance on the covers!
    He obviously scoured every detail in search of perfection!

  2. He's obviously a man ('the man') after my own heart, JP.


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