Thursday 13 April 2017


Over the next few days I'm going to be showering you lot with money.  My money.  I collect certain coins and notes, and I'm going to be sharing them with you (visually at least) over several posts.  This one's the 1970 ROYAL MINT Proof Set, with a halfpenny that was never legal tender as the coin was demonetised on July 31st 1969 - making this one a bit of a collectors' item.

I've scanned these coins in their cases, so apologies if they're not 100% in focus, but they're clear enough to let you appreciate their individual aesthetic appeal.

Are you into old coins?  Like me, do you yet regard pre-decimal coins as real money and today's currency as base pretenders?  Tell your fellow Criv-ites in our scintillating comments section, why don'tcha?!


  1. I've got the half-penny with the ship on it !! Mine is dated 1967. Talking of coins - I was in Tesco early this morning and when I was given my change the woman said "You've got one of the new £1 coins". I looked at it and said "No, the new £1 coins have 12 sides". She looked at the coin again and said "The sides are not very prominent". When I left the shop I had a good look at the coin and it was dated 2015 ! By the way, I don't regard the old imperial coinage as "real" money - at least Brexit won't be forcing us to use lsd coins again. My mother told me she'd been very unhappy at the switch to the new decimal money but she admitted she wouldn't want to return to the old money.

  2. Ooh, there you go again, CJ, managing to slip in a mention of Brexit. It's burning you up, isn't it? Incidentally, I was talking to my pal Teresa yesterday, and she said she's going to bring back the old currency just as soon as she can. "Just to wind up that guy Colin in Wales" she said. I reckon they made the new £1 coin that way to try and cash in (see what I did there?) on the older public's affection for the thru'penny bit. Whaddya reckon?

  3. I quite the look of the new £1 coin, whatever the reason for its' design. I must point out it's Theresa not Teresa. Brexit, Brexit, Brexit, Brexit - there, I've used up my month's ration of Brexit mentions. By the way, Kid - remember when I recently said I visit a certain blog but never make comments because the blogger doesn't answer comments ? And that I saw a comment from you on an older post on said blog ? Well, yesterday I visited the blog as normal and, lo and behold, there was a brand new comment from you !! So I watched with interest to see if your comment would be answered - surprise, wasn't. Can you guess what blog it is now ?

  4. I checked the spelling before making the comment because I thought it had an 'h' and it came up as Teresa May. I've checked again and both spellings are used in different places. (There's also a porn model called Teresa May.) Check and you'll see, CJ. (So it's not my fault. The internet made me do it.)

    Nope, still can't guess - give me a clue.

  5. Kid, you must make a lot of unanswered comments if you can't even remember one you made yesterday !! The blog begins with S - that's all I'm saying :)

  6. I can't even remember what POSTS I published yesterday, CJ - unless I look to remind myself. 'S' doesn't help, so I'll have to look through my bloglist and see which ones start with that letter.

  7. Ah, right, I take it that'll be Some Fantastic Place? Dougie usually takes at least a week to respond to any comments, 'though he doesn't always answer them. I guess I'll have to wait a week to find out, eh?

  8. Do you mean that particular style ha penny coin? Because hapennies were still in use after 1971. I remember the old big pennies bra sue everyone used them for magic tricks!

  9. The 1970 halfpenny (ha'penny, pronounced haipney) was never legal tender, and the old style ha'penny ceased to be legal tender on August 1st 1969. A new decimal halfpenny (usually pronounced as halfpenny, except perhaps by a few much older people) took its place in 1971, 'though was available in coin sets given to school pupils in 1968. It was called a half new penny, but wasn't legal tender 'til D Day. (February 15th 1971.) The 5 new pence and 10 new pence were leaked into the currency in 1968, and the 50 pence piece in 1969 (before decimalisation). They were used alongside their £sd counterparts for quite some time before the old coins were eventually phased out.

  10. No, Kid - it's not Some Fantastic Place. I told you the blog isn't on your blog list.

  11. Officially known as S********D - you got it !

  12. I see the guy who commented before me hasn't been answered either. Eventually, people just stop commenting - you're living proof of that, CJ.

  13. I believe it's Theresa for the PM, and Teresa for the actress/model.

    Unfortunately, Samantha Fox, the British pop singer, and Samantha Fox, the American porn actress, spell their names the same way, so it might be harder to sort them out. Might be fun trying, though.

    I wonder if the PM worries about being confused with a porn model? Or maybe Teresa worries about being mistaken for a politician.

  14. Yeah, it is, TC, but if you Google 'Teresa May', both of them come up under that spelling. I checked to be sure before I posted because I thought there was an 'h' in there, but up came our prime minister under that name. I checked again later, and it looks like she pops up whichever spelling you use. Incidentally, I think you submitted this comment to the wrong post.

  15. Nah, my comment was re: your reply to Colin's comment, when you said that you had seen the name spelled both ways on different sites, and you mentioned that there was also a porn model with the same (or a similar) name.

    If I were commenting on the Teresa May Babe of the Day post, I would not have said anything except, "Ooh la la."

  16. Heck, TC, you can't expect me to remember that far back. Don't forget I'm an old codger. Now jump over to that Babe post and "Ooh la la" to your heart's content.


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