Sunday 23 April 2017


Image copyright relevant owner

Sometimes I forget that there's more to comics than just
MARVEL and DC.  So, here's a CHARLTON comic cover,
HAUNTED #1, drawn by STEVE DITKO.  Natty design,
don'tcha think?  There's a great post about Ditko's Charlton
work over at Nifty NICK CAPUTO's blog, which you can
access by clicking here.  Don't forget to return to this one
though.  You know how I hate talking to myself.


  1. I had just the one Charlton Ditko, - a Captain Atom, which I'll show you in due course.
    Practically every page from the first 2 years over on Nick's could so easily have been in a Marvel comic!

  2. The only Charlton comic I remember buying wasn't a Ditko one, it was E Man #1. I may have bought other Charltons, but just can't remember them without seeing them first.


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