Friday 21 April 2017


Image copyright MARVEL COMICS

Big JOHN BUSCEMA demonstrates why he was JACK KIRBY'S natural successor with this simple-but-effective cover from The AVENGERS KING-SIZE SPECIAL #3.  This one's an absolute belter in my view - how about you?


  1. We concur. As potent and memorable as Kirby's original cover for Avengers #4 is, this revision of it shows Buscema's superior ability to ground his figures. They are balanced and appear to be properly rooted on the Earth.

    Rip Off

  2. Y'know, I hadn't twigged it was Big J's version of Avengers #4 cover 'til you pointed it out, RJ. Yup to everything you said.

  3. I would love to have that comic, but for me its not a classic cover , a brilliant inside splash page and a great cover, but that's because covers then, were for the most part amazing. unlike today when they are mostly (not all) bland. As a kid I would have picked that up in a minute so it would have done its job - What would you say is your favourite comic cover Im not sure I cold narrow mine down to be honest even to at top 20 bu twould include a few by Big John, Neal Adams, Joe Kubert etc.

  4. Did you mean 'not' or 'got' in regard to your first sentence, PM? Like you, I couldn't tie down my favourite covers to a low number, as I like some because they're brilliant, and others because of their nostalgic appeal. Of course, sometimes it's because of both these aspects combined. My favourites would include ones by Kirby, Buscema, Swan, Adams, Infantino, etc.

  5. "Not" kid -as good as it is for me its not a classic (Im in controversial mode today lol) One of my favourites by big John is AVENGERS 51 with Giant-Man on he cover -

  6. I've always loved this cover, Buscema just screams power power power to me, the ultimate macho artist in my opinion. Everything just says these people are real and mean business

  7. Well, 'classic' as in 'old', PM. You and me both are 'classic'. Yeah, #51 is quite good, but I don't think Buscema ever did a bad cover. You be as controversial as you want to be - unlike some, I don't ban people just for disagreeing with me.


    K, you'll just have to go around to PM's house and explain things to him regarding this cover, because he isn't convinced. Don't injure him too much. (I said I don't ban people for disagreeing, but that doesn't mean they get off scot-free.) Yup, there came a time when John stole Jack's crown.

  8. Kid, I'm amazed you hadn't noticed this was a homage to the cover of Avengers #4 - that was the first thing that came into my mind on seeing it ! You're slipping in your old age :D

  9. Tell me something I don't know, CJ! I guess that some things are just so obvious that sometimes we don't see them. (It's called not seeing the woods for the trees.) Talking about slipping, you forgot to squeeze in a reference to Brexit or fundamentalist Christians. Are you ill?

  10. A bit mean there, Kid - when did I last say anything about fundamentalist Christians ? (But thank you for saying "Fundamentalist" Christians rather than just Christians). And I rarely mention Brexit either.

  11. No, a bit banterish, that's all. Me, mean? I can't even spell the word (even 'though I just did). Rarely mention Brexit? (Like you just have?) See? YOUR memory's going as well. As for when you last mentioned fundamentalist Christians, it was a while back, but it casts a long shadow. Now go over to my post about Elke Sommer and say "Phwoooaaaarrr!!!"


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