Monday 17 April 2017


DALIAH LAVI cracks a smile on seeing
me prancing about in my big underpants.  Hey,
don't laugh - not everyone wears big underpants
because they've got a big bum.  I wear them for an
altogether different reason.  (Yup, you guessed
it - I'm wearing them over my head.)


  1. The photo looks like it might be from her last movie, "Catlow," a Western (based on a Louis L'Amour novel) in which she played Yul Brynner's girlfriend. Her character was a sort of "Mexican spitfire" type, and she seemed to be having fun playing the part. It might have been a nice change of pace for her, after years of playing slinky vamps in spy movies.

  2. I think it is from that movie, TC. I hear she's a singer too, but I've never heard any of her records. She's still around - in her '70s, I think.

  3. Hmm, I misread the title of that post. Looked at the photo and thought 'that's not the Dalai Lama...'

  4. Funny you should say that, DD, because when she takes off her wig and puts on her spectacles she looks very like him. (Especially if she's forgotten to apply the anti-wrinkle cream.)

  5. Yes, after she quit the movies, she had a second career as a cabaret singer in Europe. There may be some videos of her performances on YouTube.

  6. I'll take a wee look and see in the near future, TC.


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