Sunday, 16 April 2017


From the pages of BUSTER & JET, cover-dated April 21st
1973, comes KEN REID's longest-running weekly strip (16 years),
the boy with a 100 (later 1,000) faces - FACEACHE!  As today is
Easter Sunday, I thought I'd give you a strip about Easter -
can't say I haven't got my finger on the pulse, eh?  Enjoy.


  1. Happy Easter kid! All the best.

  2. Thanks K, and to you too.

  3. Happy Easter, Kid !! Have you eaten your chocolate egg yet ? I had mine this morning while listening to 'Broadcasting House' on Radio 4 - I also had some banana-flavoured Angel Delight...yeah, I know how to party. Years ago Easter eggs used to split neatly in half but now they don't so you have to smash them into little pieces - or is it just the ones I buy ?

  4. Happy Easter, CJ. I've scoffed about 3 or 4 Easter eggs over the last few days, but not had one today - yet. Two of the ones I had were in two halves, the other two were stuck together. Not that it matters to me, because I could probably fit a large chocolate egg into my gob in one go without breaking it.

  5. Happy Easter to you too Kid, hope you've had a good yin.

  6. Stuffed myself full of chocolate eggs, DD. Hope you had a good one too.


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