Thursday 23 March 2017


Images copyright DC COMICS

I acquired this magnificent tome only yesterday (Wednesday - very apt, eh?) - WEDNESDAY COMICS - a collection of the strips which appeared in the broadsheet of the same name back in 2009.  However, you don't want to listen to me witter on about it when you can look at some of the pages contained therein instead, so here you are. Available from all good comics shops.  And if your local store is out of stock, I'm sure they'd order you a copy.

Interestingly, the SUPERMAN strip is drawn by artist LEE BERMEJO, who, as far as I can ascertain, isn't related to LUIS BERMEJO, who drew JOHNNY FUTURE in the U.K. weekly comic FANTASTIC in the 1960s.  However, it's somehow apt that Luis drew Johnny Future and Lee drew The Man of Tomorrow, as according to a certain theory by moi, the two heroes are related.  Click this link and discover in what way.

However, back to the book for a moment.  As well as the strips on view here, there's also KAMANDI, DEADMANGREEN LANTERN, METAMORPHO, The TEEN TITANS, ADAM STRANGE, The METAL MEN, WONDER WOMAN, SGT. ROCKThe DEMON & CATWOMAN, HAWKMAN, plus 2 sample pages of PLASTIC MAN and The CREEPER, not included in the broadsheet.  What's not to like?

Run out and buy one today!


  1. It's deffo worth the reading! Highly recommended for gorgeous art. I would say some of the artists understood the large format better than others. Ryan Sook and Mike Allred were standouts. I didn't like the Wonder Woman art.

  2. Yeah, the WW pages look confusing and are far too crowded. I've really enjoyed the stories I've read so far. The Batman one in particular was really good.

  3. It was a really fun experiment on DC's part. Too bad it didn't take. As noted earlier, some were better than others, but they all were entertaining. Metamorpho, one of my favorites, was interesting at least in part due to the fact that Neil Gaiman had killed off Element Girl in Sandman, making her a tragic figure, and yet found a way to utilize the character in this strip far better than the Silver Age writers ever had.

  4. I enjoyed the Metamorpho strips, 'though I sort of skipped through the 'snakes & ladders' and 'element tables' pages 'cos they were kind of 'busy'. It didn't affect me being able to follow the story, so perhaps those two pages were needlessly 'overcooked'. It's a very handsome book indeed, and is a worthy addition to any collection.


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