Monday 6 March 2017


Images copyright MARVEL COMICS

MARVEL TALES lasted an astounding 30 years, from issue #1 in 1964, right up to #291 in 1994.  Like MARVEL COLLECTORS' ITEM CLASSICS, it reprinted some of the earliest tales of the most popular heroes from 'The House Of Ideas'.

But, hey - you're not here to read me wittering on in my typically boring, long-winded fashion.  So why don't I just cut to the chase and show you the covers of the first dozen issues?  You'd like that?  Well, I have to confess I'm a tad disappointed you never took any time to think over that proposition, but who am I to argue with all you crazy cavortin' Crivvies?

So here they are!  Any happy memories of any of them?  Then feel free to share them in the comments section.

I obtained my original copy of this issue in Blackpool in 1973 or '74


  1. I must have had #5 and #11, because I remember Spider-Man vs. The Living Brain, Thor in "Prisoner of the Reds," and Spider-Man vs. Daredevil (as I recall, the Ringmaster had hypnotized Spidey).

    I remembered this comic having Spider-Man, Ant-Man, and Thor reprints, but I'd forgotten that it also reprinted the Torch solo strip from Strange Tales.

    Like Marvel's Greatest Comics and Marvel Super-Heroes, Marvel Tales later went down to the standard 32-page size, and there was only enough room for the Spider-Man reprints.

  2. I loved the early '80s Marvel Tales, TC, because they reprinted the Lee/Ditko Spidey classics from the very beginning. I first read 'The Living Brain' in a British comic called 'Pow!' back in the '60s.

  3. Again, like MCIC, I had a few of these and absolutely LOVED 'em for the same reasons as yourself. A couple of them also probably came from that selfsame '68 Skegness holiday. There was no telly in that caravan, but I had PLENTY of thick comic books to read!
    Interestingly, the first two are catalogued as Marvel Tales ANNUAL in GCD, with "Marvel Tales" beginning at issue #3!

  4. Yeah, GCD are considering the frequency of publication, JP, I'm only considering the first issue to the last. It's simpler that way.


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