Monday 6 March 2017


Image copyright MARVEL COMICS

It'd been around six years since The INVINCIBLE IRON MAN had last appeared in his own strip in a British weekly (FANTASTIC), but in 1974 the wait was finally over and ol' Shell-Head was back.  I think I'd already bought this ish, but if memory serves, it had some slight flaw that made me seek out another copy.  I do remember making my way down to the Old Village quarter of my town as it was starting to get dark, with the glow of the street lights reflected in the fine film of rain on the glistening pavement, and buying my second copy from a now long-gone newsagent's.  I acquired the above copy some years back, and the newsagent remains open in memory.  One glance at the cover and I'm back there faster than a fart from The Flash, buying this comic on a wet January evening in the long ago-days of 1974.

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