Tuesday 28 March 2017


Characters copyright The Estate of R.E. HOWARD

A new direction for KULL The CONQUEROR (and a new title for his mag) also saw a change of artist - MIKE PLOOG.  Although I've got the 10 preceding issues, I don't have any following the above, so I may have to rectify that one day.

(Not too well at the moment, so apologies for the brevity and sporadic nature of my posts.)


  1. Kull was one of my favourite comics at this time and although I am a big fan of Mike Ploogs art (and as good as he was on Kull) for me the John /Marie Severin version (issue 1-9 and before that on "Creatures on the loose") are comic book classics - issue 9 is still one of my all time favourite comics - Hope your feeling better soon Kid.

  2. Thanks, PM, I hope I get better soon, too - 'cos I'm a terrible 'patient'. The Severins were on Kull #s 2-10, Ross Andru and Wally Wood drew #1. Bernie Wrightson drew the Kull Tale in the Creatures On The Loose #10.

  3. I love Mike Ploog's art which I first saw in POTA #12 when he took over from George Tuska as the apes artist. Take a couple of paracetamols, Kid, and lie down for a while !

  4. Been lying down most of the day, CJ, alternating paracetamols with cold & flu drinks. Still feel terrible. I liked Ploog's art on Marvel's Frankenstein comic and Ghost Rider. And he drew a great Conan tale - 'Incident In Argos'.

  5. Ploog was brillaint of the "Apes" strips.

    Ahh right I don't have issue 1 of Kull and just assumed it was Severin art, but that rings a bell now I think I read that tale in a UK Marvel comic. Sorry I know Kull appeared in "Creatures on the Loose" I should have said "Monsters on the Prowl" (isuse 6) a small 10 page or so one of story.

  6. The Andru/Wood Kull strip was reprinted in Savage Sword of Conan weekly #s 1 & 2, PM, so that's where you most likely saw it. I also showed the cover and splash page on this here blog of mine some time ago, so you probably saw it again then. Incidentally, it was Monsters On The Prowl #16 (not #6) that the Kull story appeared in, and it was continued from Kull #2, as there was a 10 month gap between #s 2 & 3. Also, did you know that MOTP was called Chamber Of Darkness for its first 8 issues before changing its name? Well you do now.

  7. Did I ever tell you that I was fond of Ploog's Man Things?
    Get well soon, Kidda!
    Can't top Colin's advice!
    I swear by the old para's for colds and flus!

  8. Yes, you did, JP. I myself am fond of Ploog's Man Things (forgot to mention that) - and no, that's not a euphemism.

  9. Hmmm. I don't remember the Wood story . Maybe I'm getting senile. By the way did I tell you I don't remember reading that Wood story?
    Get better soon

  10. The very first ish, PS. Andru pencilled, Wood inked. (Phil forgot.)

  11. I love that Ploog cover! His Eisner influence is definitely showing through in the inking - even though it's hard to imagine Eisner drawing a Robert E Howard character :-)
    Get well soon, Kid!

  12. I didn't realise that Ploog had been influenced by Eisner - it's not a connection I make when I look at Ploog's work. However, now that you've mention it, I can see a resemblance.

    Thanks to you and everyone for your and their good wishes.

  13. Yes, Mike Ploog was terrific on Frankenstein - he made the strip feel really gothic and atmospheric. But I didn't know he'd drawn a Conan tale - Incident In Argos sounds like Conan tried to take back a faulty kettle and things got nasty :D

  14. That Kull cover reminded me more of Gil Kane than anything else, but, now that someone's mentioned it, there is a noticeable Eisner influence.

    Get well soon.

  15. That's exactly what happened, CJ - you must've read it. Type Incident In Argos into the blog's search box and you can read my post about it. (And yes - the sub-title WAS typed at the time.)


    Thanks, TC. Yeah, the layout has a Gil Kane feel about it, doesn't it? Now, back to bed for me, I only got up to go to the loo. (Decided to check for comments on the way back.)


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