Saturday 18 March 2017


Right, JOLENE, get straight on
down to the hairdressers for a haircut.
Wait, on second thoughts, no need to be
so drastic!  You'd look much nicer with
your hair in a ponytail.


  1. She looks a million times more attractive here than in her role as the Vulcan officer in 'Star Trek: Enterprise'. I remember a letter in a magazine complaining that the Star Trek producers had taken a super-hot babe and made her look like Jim Carrey in 'Dumb And Dumber'. Just out of curiosity, Kid - have you seen any of the black & white Dad's Army episodes on BBC2 recently ? I'd never seen those early episodes before so I've been watching them every Saturday night for the last couple of months.

  2. Just out of curiosity, CJ, have you ever thought about clicking one of those little boxes under the posts? Surely you must find Jolene 'cool'? Surely the post must be 'interesting' to you or you wouldn't leave a comment? C'mon, click a bloody box for crying out loud.

    Yes, I've caught a few of those episodes, even 'though I've probably seen them all before years and years ago. I take it you like them then? (Or you wouldn't be watching.)

  3. Kid, I mean to tick those boxes but I keep forgetting - I've gone back and ticked the last few posts (I'm using my tablet at the moment so I hope the ticks show up okay). But I don't know why you care so much about us ticking boxes - obviously we like the contents of your blog or we wouldn't keep coming back ! And yes, I do like Dad's Army - doesn't everybody ? A couple of days ago I was reading a Guardian (online) article about what will happen in the days following the Queen's death - apparently there will be lots of changes to the TV schedules to reflect the appropriate mood and the BBC intends to show episodes of Dad's Army !

  4. New visitors inclined to just skip over a post may be tempted to read it, CJ, if they see that others have found it interesting - so it helps your fellow bloggers. A Scottish DJ (Frank Skerritt) once pointed out that when Elvis died, his songs were never off the radio - "Let's hope Sydney Devine lives forever" he said in his deadpan way. No doubt some people will have the same attitude to Dad's Army.

  5. Frank Skerritt! I haven't heard that name in decades! If I remember rightly he had a show on Radio Clyde on Saturday lunchtimes just before Jimmy Sanderson's football show.

  6. It's likely you won't have heard his name in decades, DD, because he's been dead for decades. I think he also had an evening show, although on what days, I couldn't tell you.


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