Wednesday 15 March 2017


"Just how do you get into that outfit?"
I asked the stunning JERI RYAN.  "Well,
buying me a drink would be a good start,"
she trilled.  "Barman - a double gin and
tonic for my friend here - pronto!"


  1. She wasn't forced to wear that outfit for long - her new garb was still close-fitting but it was a wine-coloured one-piece with a V neck.

  2. Still a total babe, CJ - whatever she's wearing.

  3. She's more than a seven out of nine. And yes they changed the outfit because it was too uncomfortable. I met her at a con when the show was on ( she doesn't do many cons) and she's as gorgeous in life as she is on tv. Unfortunately it was just a greet and sign not a question and answer session.

  4. Did you get her autograph, PS?

  5. I did! And she's got this silver outfit ! I do miss the Star Trek conventions alas as the old crew has died off the conventions are getting fewer and less well attended. I also noticed the stuff for sale became all standardized Paramount stuff. People used to sell home made phasers and photocopies of scripts, strange one off items. I guess Paramount got strict on the licensing but now it's 40 booths of the same action figures and stuffed tribbles.

  6. Ah, so I assume it was an autographed photo then? Magic! Did she pose with you, or was it a pre-printed publicity photo?


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