Thursday 2 February 2017


Illustrations copyright IDW

Never read KENNETH GRAHAME's The WIND In The WILLOWS?  If it's something you've ever planned on doing, then now would be a good time to pick up this very handsome hardback edition from IDW PUBLISHING, illustrated by award-winning illustrator DAVID PETERSEN.  Go on, let some fresh air into your life and cross one more thing off your bucket list.  Available now (I presume) from all good book shops.

Incidentally, the artist has hand-signed 2,500 copies of the first edition, so  if that's not an incentive to buy one, then I don't know what is.  Better hurry.


  1. I bought The Wind In The Willows for Christmas (partly due to all the posts you've written about it) but have not gotten round to starting it yet. Over the past year I've been reading some "Classics" as a change from my usual fare; The Thirty-Nine Steps, Wuthering Heights, A Study In Scarlet, The Inheritors, Through The Looking Glass, The Midwich Cuckoos, The Time Machine, A Christmas Carol to name but a few.

  2. As a present day resident of the greater LA mega city, did you know Mr Toad's Wild ride exists at Disneyland but not at DisneyWorld Florida? I admit it was one of favorite rides and I still love it, because at the end Toad ends up in hell. Who says Disney always has happy endings?

  3. When you first start it, M, you'll think it's going to be for kids because of the way it begins, but trust me, it's a heck of a good read. Another few books I'd recommend are The Ghosts by Antonia Barber, Tom's Midnight Garden by Philippa Pearce, and Moonfleet by J. Meade Falkner. All so-called 'kids books', but all that really means is they have no sex or swearing.


    That's one ride I wouldn't mind taking, PS - just so long as I could avoid the final destination. I really like Disney's Wind In The Willows/Mr. Toad cartoon. Saw it as an 11 year old on the last day of primary school before the summer holidays. Now got it on DVD and video. It was originally released as the second half of a cartoon which included The Legend Of Sleepy Hollow, and as a separate cartoon in its own right.


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