Friday 24 February 2017



This image is getting to be a familiar sight on CRIVENS!, but hey - what a belter, right?  I only bought the first ish of the regular 2015 DYNAMITE comic because of ALEX ROSS's 'homage' to JOE KUBERT's original 1975 DC COMICS cover, but I recently acquired the collected edition of the six-part series and it was a nice little read.  I felt I'd just picked up from where I'd left off back in the '70s when I was a teenager.

There's a couple of instances where the letterer has skipped a word, which requires re-reading to catch the meaning, and the art has some minor problems where cars (very nicely rendered) and people aren't always proportionate size-wise, but all-in-all, if you're a fan of pulp heroes in general and The AVENGER in particular, then you'll enjoy this softcover volume.

Check out your local comicbook store, where you're sure to find a copy of this book sitting on the shelves.  Remember to pay for it before you leave though, as it's always embarrassing being rugby-tackled on your way out the door when you've forgotten to hand over your cash. I wonder how long it'll be 'til HOLLYWOOD sees the potential in this property for a big-budget movie?  We'll just have to wait and see.

Incidentally, I'd put a clear protective cover on the book not long before scanning, which slightly reflects the scanner's light.  Hopefully, it doesn't impair your visual enjoyment, but I wasn't going to risk damaging the book by taking it off and putting it on again.  (I knew you'd understand.)


  1. I only picked up the 70's DC series back in the day. It was pretty interesting, but really didn't get a chance to get kicked off before it was cancelled. Will have to track this one down. I picked up a bunch of the 70's era paperbacks on ebay a few years ago, too.

  2. As you'll know, G, there were only four issues of the DC series - but a fifth was intended. I know that because the 'Next issue on sale on...' (followed by the date) was removed at the last moment before printing. There was a text page that ended with 'See you next issue', but that was obviously missed, otherwise they'd have removed that line as well.


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