Friday 17 February 2017


Hi, Criv-ite chums.  Can you do me a favour?  At the bottom of each post is a three-choice option of approval - funny, interesting and cool.  After perusing or commenting on any of my pulsating posts, could you register your reaction by clicking on one of the boxes?  It'd be much appreciated.  Ta.  (Update: Options now vanished - don't know why or to where.)


  1. Strange I can't see anything for "crap" lol - I have ticked as requested back a few pages sorry I never really noticed these before.

  2. That's that other guy's blog you're thinking of there, PM. Ta for ticking - it helps give me an idea of what kind of posts the readers prefer.

  3. Like Paul, I've gone back a few and ticked them but I'm on my tablet and I accidentally ticked two as "funny" when I meant to tick "interesting" so I added an extra tick for "interesting". But what do we do when the post holds no interest at all ? For me that's usually anything involving DC, 2000AD, those '60s British comics like Pow, Terrific etc or toys. Can we just leave the box empty ?

  4. What do you do? Why, you LIE of course, CJ, and tick a box anyway. Or, you can interpret the 'cool' option as meaning you feel 'cool' towards the post - that way you're not lying. See? Sorted.

  5. I only comment when I have something relevant to say about the topic; to paraphrase President Nixon, "I am not a troll." But I've always ticked one of the "reactions" boxes even when I didn't comment, so you would at least know someone saw the post.

  6. Ah, right. I'm not saying that I never read posts about those things I mentioned - just that none of them are "must-reads" for me. However, I always read the comments for EVERY post as I like reading other people's comments - and they can be very informative !

  7. Good man, TC. You're gold Blue Peter badge is in the post. Your comments are always worth reading, and I'm sure everyone else will agree with me on that.


    Well, you can tick the 'interesting' box with a clear conscience because the post has resulted in some interesting comments, CJ. I find all the comments interesting, from you, TC, JP, PM, PC, DD, MM, AM, NC, BP, TL, Cer, and everyone else. (Just because your name or initials aren't here doesn't mean you're not valued.)

  8. Will do, Kidda, just as soon as I return to the present! I'm stuck in the past again at the mo, going through ALL of your Power Comics posts yet again! ( ha, ha! )
    I am often found stuck in your archives!

  9. Oo-er, missus. Just as well that isn't a euphemism, JP.

    1. Right, I'm back from the past now, Kidda. Got kinda sidetracked revisiting all the old Marvel UK posts too!
      Have to get a "fix" every so often!
      Please don't ever delete anything!

  10. You need more boxes for- odd yet interesting, scary, mildly tittilating. Perhaps another for - she's a knockout. And one more for - oh the humanity.

  11. Funnily enough, PS, I've seen other options on other blogs, but these three were the only ones I could choose. Dunno why. Wouldn't mind a wider range myself.

  12. Okay, JP, saying as how you said please.


ALL ANONYMOUS COMMENTS WILL BE DELETED UNREAD unless accompanied by a regularly-used and recognized
name. For those without a Google account, use the 'Name/URL' option. All comments are subject to moderation and will
appear only if approved. Remember - no guts, no glory.

I reserve the right to edit comments to remove swearing or blasphemy, and in instances where I consider certain words or
phraseology may cause offence or upset to other commenters.