Sunday 26 February 2017


Seeing as we've been pursuing an Anniversary theme with the last few posts, here's a behind the scenes insight into things that readers don't usually get to see.  Above is a flyer I received back in 1992 when 2000 A.D was a mere 15 years old.  Below is the covering letter explaining what it's all about.  Did I attend the prestigious event?  Nah!  I was far too busy lettering just about everything in sight.


  1. I had a letter from Tharg, too! Probably still have it somewhere - a very polite "Thanks, but No thanks" to a Judge Dredd story I had dreamed up, but at least he had the courtesy to reply.
    Anyway, I shall celebrate the 40th Anniversary in my own way. Not by throwing more money at Rebellion, but by having a look at some of my favourite covers that I once owned!

  2. Hey, you can always throw money at me if you like, JP.


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