Tuesday 24 January 2017


I noticed this clip on MARK EVANIER's blog a day or so ago, but skipped by it.  However, having now just watched it, I have to say that it's bloody brilliant!  CHRISTOPHER RICE, CLAY THOMSON, and lovely ELOISE KROPP pay spectacular toe-tapping tribute to the recently departed DEBBIE REYNOLDS in the 'GOOD MORNING' dance routine from SINGIN' In The RAIN.

All three performers are great, but you'll find it  hard to take your eyes off the cute one with the legs.  (And don't miss the blooper reel at the end.)


  1. Makes me wish that I could sing and dance, PM.

  2. That was great but I remember reading that in the original film they had to do so many takes of the Good Morning scene that Debbie Reynolds' feet were bleeding !

  3. Wouldn't surprise me - MY feet were bleeding just watching it. Superb stuff 'though.


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