Monday 2 January 2017


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Here's a book that all fans of JACK KIRBY will be sure to love, featuring stats of Jack's original pencils from the first issues of The DEMON, KAMANDI, and OMAC, alongside the finished inked pages by MIKE ROYER.  Mike tended to ink Kirby like Kirby, so the comparison is probably not as revealing as it would have been with VINCE COLLETTA inked issues, but it's still a volume well-worth having on your bookshelf.  Waiting for you at your local comics shop now! 


  1. Reviewed this very book myself today. We agree it's a real must see for Kirby fans.

    Rip Off

  2. I'm sure your review will be more thorough than mine, RJ. I usually give just a hint of a taste of the item to tease my audience, whereas you give yours full value for money. I'm just off over to your blog to read your review now.

  3. Thanks (as ever) for the heads up sir!

  4. And if you want to see what Kamandi sees when he rows around the corner, readers, - just nip back to Kid's recent Kamandi splashpage post!

  5. That you auditioning for the position of my Publicity Department manager again, JP? You've got the job.


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