Friday 13 January 2017


Dr. WHO copyright BBC TV

There's a great free gift magazine available with the February issue of DOCTOR WHO MONTHLY (#508) - a complete adventure of the good Doctor, first published in weekly instalments back in 1972.  The mag also contains an extremely interesting and entertaining interview with TERRENCE DICKS, script editor during perhaps the most popular decade in the BBC TV show's history.
Was it really 45 years ago I read these stories in the pages of COUNTDOWN?  I guess so, but it only seems like a couple or so years ago at most.  I've read them since then of course, in MARVEL U.K.'s DOCTOR WHO CLASSIC COMICS, published monthly in the 1990s.  In this new reprinting, they're described as being 'cleaned up', but whether it was done for this outing or the previous one isn't stated.  The pages do look good, but, oddly, the original spine crease is still visible in the magazine's centrespread.

A minor oversight however, and don't let it put you off purchasing this ish and reliving one of The Doctor's greatest comic strip adventures featuring his greatest foes - The DALEKS!  Available now in WHS, and all good newsagents.


  1. I've never bought Dr. Who Magazine (but I did read the first couple of issues of Dr. Who Weekly back in 1979) - but I think I'll buy this one as it's a '70s special issue. The '70s was definitely my decade as far as Dr. Who is concerned - I started watching the show around the time of the Troughton/Pertwee changeover and I started to lose interest at the end of Tom Baker's tenure. I've never read the Who comic strip so that'll be a bonus. By the way, Kid, did you know that John Pertwee was seriously considered for the role of Captain Mainwaring in Dad's Army ?

  2. I can't remember if I knew that or not, CJ, so I'll say no. It's hard to imagine anyone other than Arthur Lowe in the part 'though, but had Pertwee got the role, I might be thinking the same thing about him today. Having said that, Pertwee perhaps had too much of an automatic air of physical authority about him to convincingly portray the pompous, inept, out of his depth 'officer' that Lowe epitomised.


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