Saturday 10 December 2016


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This story is interesting in that there was once a TRIGAN EMPIRE strip with essentially the same plot.  One day I'll get around to checking which tale came first, but in the meantime, let's just enjoy this spectacular splash page by JACK KIRBY JOE SIMON.  Now that's what I call activity!


Oh, wait a minute, what was I thinking?  FIGHTING AMERICAN was published in the '50s, The Trigan Empire in the '60s, so I guess that settles the matter.


  1. I am intrigued by the Captain America copies. I have never read any of them. Do you know if any are worth a read?

  2. That's a big question, JP, and the most I could say is that, from a historical point of view, they're worth a read, but entertainment-wise? Depends on how much of a Kirby fan you are I suppose, and how inexpensively you can acquire one of the reprint volumes. You should be able to pick up a Titan Books edition from eBay for a reasonable price. Remember, you'll be coming to the stories new, without any nostalgic attachment to them, but you may well enjoy them. They're not exactly Captain America 'though.


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