Tuesday 13 December 2016


Images copyright DC COMICS

Fans of ADAM WEST's and BURT WARD's portrayals of BATMAN and ROBIN may be interested in this new animated DVD movie, featuring the voices of West, Ward and the seductive JULIE NEWMAR.  I haven't watched it yet, so can't give any details as to its merits (or lack of them), but you can always buy it and then make up your own minds on the matter.


  1. I have often heard Adam West's voice in recent years, as he voices a cartoon character, ( based on a parody of himself ) in "Family Guy".

  2. I've seen the show, but don't watch it regularly, JP. However, I knew Adam West did a voice in it. He'll always be the '60s Batman to me 'though.

  3. It was quite good but the animation didn't match the voices. The script had a lot to say about new dark Batman. Which I liked, you'll understand after you see it.

  4. I might have to give this one a tumble. Adam West is a treasure and that becomes more true as time passes. His uncanny ability to play off the fame he's endured for decades now makes me understand what it is to perform under pressure. He clearly is remorseful his career didn't go another direction but he seems genuinely at ease now for how it has gone. Others don't seem to get to that place.

    Rip Off

  5. You're right, Rip - others become very bitter, seemingly unaware that 'though their careers may not be what they wished for, they've at least achieved something approaching immortality.


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