Saturday 3 December 2016


Images copyright MARVEL COMICS

You all know the drill by now - I let the official spiel on the back cover speak for itself.  Suffice to say that if you're a Dr. STRANGE fan, then you're sure to love The OATH - no sweary words involved.  By The Hoary Hosts of Hoggoth, race right 'round to your nearest friendly neighbourhood comicbook store and buy this book today!  (Or The Omnipotent Oshtur will bite you on the bum!)


  1. Do I have to tell you ! Got it. But honestly after the Ditko era, the doc has never quite got back to greatnessz

  2. There was something about the Ditko era that just can't be matched, PS, but there've been a few good adventures since. Did you get the Dr. Strange Omnibus edition?

  3. No I'm going to get the Deadly Hands of Kung Fu omnibus. Or silver age Supergirl omnibus 1. Which ever I can find first

  4. As the world's biggest Dr. Strange fan, you really should have the Omnibus. Why not buy all three? Just do without food for a couple of months or so.


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