Thursday 15 December 2016


Are you a STEVE DITKO fan?  Then this is the book for
you!  It's an exhibition catalogue, containing many large-sized
reproductions of original pages of art as well as a biography of the
man and an analysis of his work.  Steve Ditko is an enigmatic, com-
plicated individual, but this valiant volume offers as much insight
into the artist as you're likely to find anywhere.  Definitely one
to have.  Available from all good comicbook shops now!


  1. Kid, I can also recommend Blake Bell's biography of Ditko, 'Strange & Stranger'. A lot of it is probably supposition, but it certainly helped me understand why Steve may've made some of the sometimes baffling decisions he's has over the years, and it's genuinely unputdownable.

  2. Yup, an excellent book as well, PD, already got it in my personal library. Steve Ditko wasn't happy with it, even 'though he's never read it.

  3. I wonder what he'll think of the new one, eh? Will he even know about the exhibition?

  4. This one looks amazing I had a wee peek inside in FP in Glasgow , but is is waaaay too rich for my comic buying pocket

  5. Ah, but if your girlfriend really loved you, she'd buy you it. (As well as the Dr. Strange Omnibus.) You'll just have to find a woman who really appreciates you, PM. (I'm a right little sh*t-stirrer, aren't I?)

  6. Show her my comment, PM. After she's come 'round and kicked my head in, she'll buy you the book to prove I was wrong! Result! (For you anyway.)

  7. Kid,

    I received it in the mail the other day and in reading the first 50 pages or so I think its the best book on Ditko that has been produced. Frederico Florez, the author, has incredible insight into Ditko's style and technique, and visually it's a blast (of course I might be a little biased since the author quoted me and linked to my blog!)

    And since Robin Snyder (Ditko's co-publisher for those not in the know) has advertised the book in his newsletter and written the foreword, I'm pretty sure the book has been produced (and the exhibition) with Ditko's blessing.

    I've also loved the other books published in association with exhibitions by IDW, including the Russ Heath and John Buscema books.

  8. I've nearly finished the book, Nick, and I've really enjoyed it. I'd noticed you getting a mention and felt quite proud on your behalf (presumptuous as that may seem). Seeing scans of so many pages of original art is one of the highlights, and I'll have to steal a look at the other books you mentioned as they somehow escaped my notice.
    IDW do some great stuff - more power to them.

  9. Get those books if you can, Kid. They are well worth it. And thanks, as always, for the kind words.

  10. And thanks for yours, too, Nick. I'll see if my local Forbidden Planet has them, but I don't have much in the piggy bank at the moment with Christmas coming up, so they may have to wait a while.


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