Sunday 4 December 2016


The attitude of some people often astounds me, and the following story is a perfect example of just what I'm talking about.  Almost ten years back, I worked in a watch repair shop.  At one time, after I'd left its employ, myself and a friend were in negotiations to buy the business, but eventually pulled out of the deal as the incompetent owners couldn't get their act together (though I'll bet that's not what they told the person they eventually sold it to).  But I digress.

One day, a women I knew came into the shop looking to have links removed from a chain bracelet of some kind.  The standard charge for this particular procedure was £7.99, but because she was a member of a church I'd once attended when younger, I decided to do her a favour.  After I'd completed the task, she asked me how much she owed and I smiled and told her just to give me two quid.

The manageress was in that day observing proceedings, so I was quite prepared to make up the £6 discount from my own pocket simply to do the woman a good turn.  She looked taken aback, and grudgingly started to reach for her purse.  Noticing her scowl, I asked her why she didn't seem too happy.  "I think you've got a cheek asking for that" she responded.  It was now my turn to be taken aback.  I explained that I was letting her off with six quid and therefore didn't understand her attitude, and to remember that it was a business and not a charity. 

Anyway, she paid up and left, but the experience dispirited me.  Had she expected me to do it for nothing merely because we were acquainted?  If I'd worked in Asda, would she have expected me to wave her through the checkout with a box of biscuits without charging her?  Who goes into a shop looking for goods or services without expecting to pay?  I'm still staggered by her attitude.

No doubt when relating her version of events to her friends, I was painted as the bad guy.  It brings to mind the old saying - "No good deed goes unpunished."

Too true, mate - too bleedin' true.   


  1. A couple of quid ten years ago was nowt! No wonder you were taken aback! You should have said, "You're right, - I can't charge you two quid! That'll be £7-99, please!"

  2. Should've done, JP, but was too gobsmacked by her ingratitude.

  3. And she was a member of a church ? Surely as a good Christian she should have been better behaved !!

  4. Oh, there you go banging your church-bashing drum, CJ. Believe me, I encountered far worse attitudes than that in the shop from people who clearly weren't members of any church. She wasn't behaving like a ned, remember, she just seemed to expect me to fix her bracelet for nothing. I can guarantee that that sort of attitude isn't restricted to churchgoers.

  5. I never said it was, Kid !

  6. And I never said you did, CJ! I also never said she was a good Christian.


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