Wednesday 21 December 2016


There's a number of good versions of the classic
Christmas carol SILENT NIGHT, but most of them
usually only have two of the three verses.  Either you
get the the first two, or the first and the third, and in
BING CROSBY's rendition, you only get the first,
but sung twice. (Or is it three times?  Can't re-
member now.)

However, in JIM REEVES' case, you get all
three verses - and listen to the quiet power in his
voice gather steam in the third.  This is my very
favourite version of the song - give it a spin.


  1. I'd like to take this opportunity to wish you a very Merry Christmas and a happy and peaceful New Year (well, for us all really!) And long may this blog continue!

  2. Three verses ? In 1997 there was a documentary on BBC2 about the origins of Silent Night back in 1818. At the end of the programme somebody sang the whole of the original carol and it had about FIFTEEN verses !!! Christmas 1977 was my first Christmas in secondary school and during a German lesson we had to copy from the blackboard the story of Silent Night's creation. Curiously the text on the blackboard was in English rather than in German which you'd think was more logical in a German lesson !

  3. Thanks, K, same to you and yours and long may we ALL continue.


    Yeah, CJ, the English translation (as far as music releases of the song go) has three verses, which are sort of recognised as the 'standard' version, although there are sometimes variants.


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