Monday 5 December 2016


Christmas is the season for sentiment, and
you can't get more sentimental than this particular
song.  So sit back and relax, and let the man whose
voice is like the echo of a whisper wash away your
troubles with this soothing little number.


  1. I do like this track. One of my favourites on the album.

  2. More and more cards nowadays have glitter on them which must make them impossible to recycle. I was looking at the cards on sale in Tesco and every single one had glitter on. It should be illegal to make cards that can't be recycled ! Nice song by the way :)

  3. One of my favourites as well, JP, along with Silver Bells, Blue Christmas, and Silent Night. Heck, I like 'em all.


    Perhaps there is a way to recycle cards with glitter on them, CJ, but I wouldn't know if there is or not. I read that only about 40% of waste intended for recycling actually gets recycled, the rest just gets incinerated. True or false? Anyone know? Yeah, nice little song indeed.

  4. Kid, a couple more points about Christmas cards. I never see any Victorian themed cards anymore - remember when it was common to see cards with stagecoaches or snowy Victorian scenes ? I just don't see them nowadays - maybe the card designers have woken up to the fact that Christmas in those days was pretty wretched for most people ? And the way cards are sold nowadays has changed - they used to be sold in boxes of 20 or 40 with multiple designs but now they usually come in packs of 10 or less with just 1 design or 2 at the most.

    1. Absolutely right, Col, probably intended to make us buy several different boxes for any variety! I limit myself to two, - one for kids and one for adults.
      BTW, Col, I'm not seeing an avatar for you. Is this right?

  5. I still see Victorian cards around, CJ. I don't think card manufacturers think about whether Christmas was wretched back then or not, as they're merely trading on the imagery of the time as it suits the season. Pound shops still sell boxes of 20 cards I'm sure, and possibly even more. It's not that long ago I bought such a box, 'though I think it was a couple of quid so I probably got it in a newsagent's shop.

  6. Yes, JP, the absence of CJ's avatar is absolutely right 'cos that's how it is. You two lads need to get out more - you can still get packs or boxes of cards containing various numbers, although you get what you pay for, quality-wise.

  7. John, I've been a naughty boy for deleting some comments in the past so Kid has made sure I can't delete any more (even though I said I wouldn't) and that's why my avatar and blogger symbols have disappeared - it's like taking a 5 year-old's catapult away. By the way, Kid, I did see a box of cards with multiple designs in Wilkinson's (I don't know if you have that store in Scotland) but it was unusual because all the other cards on sale were the single design variety.

    1. I very rarely delete my comments, even though some of the mistakes and typos sometimes make me cringe! And then, I think, "Well, that's me, mistakes and all!" - Proves I"m only human, but I STILL sometimes get mistaken for a robot , - even on blogger!

  8. Even 'though you said you wouldn't and then did, you very naughty boy. Off to bed with no supper for you, m'lad. Dunno whether we've got a Wilkinson's or not, CJ, I'll keep an eye out for one. (Your on probation for now, but your avatar may return. Depends on how many more deleted comments I find when I'm trawling through the archives.)

  9. Sometimes, if I comment on another blog and then notice a mistake, I'll delete it, but I re-submit it without the error. I'm afraid it irks me when several people respond to a comment, and then the person deletes it. Not only does it screw up continuity and context, but it means those who took the trouble to respond have had their time and effort wasted.


ALL ANONYMOUS COMMENTS WILL BE DELETED UNREAD unless accompanied by a regularly-used and recognized
name. For those without a Google account, use the 'Name/URL' option. All comments are subject to moderation and will
appear only if approved. Remember - no guts, no glory.

I reserve the right to edit comments to remove swearing or blasphemy, and in instances where I consider certain words or
phraseology may cause offence or upset to other commenters.