Saturday 24 December 2016


Image copyright MARVEL COMICS

A very Merry Christmas & a Happy New Year to all CRIVENS regulars and fellow comics bloggers.  May all your wishes come true in 2017.  (Apart from world domination - I'm reserving that one for myself.)


  1. Merry Christmas and all the best for 2017.

  2. Merry Christmas Kid, have a good yin.

    Happy Christmas to all the regular posters too, I haven't posted much recently but have been enjoying reading all the comments from everyone else. Have a great time, folks!

  3. Thanks, DD. And I'm sure the regulars, just like me, wish you the exact same sentiments in return.

  4. Happy Christmas Kid! I love that image of the Torch and Thing you used - I don't think I've ever seen it before.

  5. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year, everyone.

  6. I don't know how you do so many each year Kid, but i do enjoy them. Happy Christmas!

  7. The Thing was originally used on a '60s Bullpen Christmas card, AM, and the Torch is from an issue of FF. However, this version is from the centre pages of MWOM #13 back in 1972. Season's Greetings.


    And to you, TC. Hope you have a good 'un.


    Happy Christmas to you too, NB. I do so many each year because I can't stand the thought of disappointing all you Criv-tes. (He said, undeservedly full of himself.)

  8. Merry Christmas, Kid, and all best wishes for 2017!
    - Simon

  9. Seasons greetings to you Kid,and everyone else who hangs around here.

  10. And the same right back at ya, Cer & Baab.

  11. Merry Xmas and happy festivus to you too.

  12. Ditto, PS. Hopefully I'll win the Lottery in 2017 - then I can buy all the toys and comics I want.

  13. Merry Christmas, Kid and ALL Crivites!

  14. You too, JP - hope you get all the Christmas goodies you wanted.

  15. Have a great Christmas and happy new year thanks for taking me back to happy times
    Please keep them them commilng

  16. Merry Christmas! Always enjoy the blog. Looking forward to many visits in the New Year!

  17. Thanks Steve & DH, have a great Christmas, and hopefully you'll find something on the blog that pleases you for years to come.

  18. Merry Christmas, Kid, and don't drink the whiskey all at once :D

  19. And you, CJ. (For whiskey/whisky, read Pepsi Max or Coke Zero.)

  20. Merry Christmas Kid (a very warm one here in Aus!!) - and may your Dalek collection continue to grow. Are there any more that you are still after?, you seem to have at least one of nearly every variety! I can only echo the sentiments already expressed and say thanks for the memory-jogging posts and must-have recomendations.

  21. Merry Christmas to you too, 'cobber'. Offhand, I can't think of any Daleks in particular that I'm still looking for, but one can never have too many. (Just thought of one - Herts Plastic Moulders Dalek.) See you in 2017, PC.


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