Tuesday 8 November 2016


Image copyright DC COMICS

JACK KIRBY was a master at producing power-packed pages, but he was equally adept at portraying quiet scenes.  This is one such scene, where five people do no more than crouch in a Time Cube, yet the air of impending action is practically palpable.  WALLY WOOD's inks enhance the page in a way that very few inkers could emulate, but that was the magic of Woody.  Together, he and Jack made a formidable team.


  1. This a a great page. Kirby was a master of forced perspective and Wood was the best at spot blacks. Plus it's the Challengers with a Roman soldier! Who could ask for more?

  2. There's perhaps something not quite right about the perspective on the right-hand side of the pic, PS, but it's still a great splash page sure enough.


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