Thursday 17 November 2016


Image copyright MARVEL COMICS

Why is this a spectacular splash page?  Because it's by JIM STARLIN, it features WARLOCK (formerly known as HIM), and, er - because it's got a hot babe with a body to die for.  What?  Me, sexist?  Perish forbid.


  1. The Starlin Warlock storylines in "Strange Tales" an in his own title was one of my favourite comics of the 70s, I loved all that cosmic Starlin stuff back then. I re-read some of my old issues a few years ago and whislt it seemed a bit less "magical" the art was still amazing. A great spalsh page and my favourite so far.

  2. He's given up drawing now, alas. I hear he's writing something that Alan Davis is drawing, but I forget what.

  3. I picked up the first issue of that book "The Infinity Entity" some nice Alan Davis art but it jsut seemed like something I had read by Starlin (many times) before. That's a shame he has given up drawing he was a great artist. I seem to remember the first "Master of Kung Fu" strip I read (possibly the first MoKF strip?) was by Starlin (or his art at least) it was a nice change of pace from his usual high octane / navel gazing space stories.

  4. Yes, I've got that first Master of Kung Fu comic (Special Marvel Edition #15) and it was indeed drawn by by Jim Starlin, PM, and written by Steve Englehart. Nice little comic. I remember first reading the story in Avengers weekly #28, printed in black, white & grey. (Letratone.)

  5. Apparently space suits in the future are shrink wrapped directly to the body. :)

  6. I nearly mentioned that aspect myself, JA, but I couldn't think of how to say it in a way that matches your spot-on description.


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