Saturday 12 November 2016


Sad news for all MAN From U.N.C.L.E.
fans - actor ROBERT VAUGHN has passed
away after a short illness (leukemia).   He was
83.  Condolences to his family and friends.

(Click here for Mr. Vaughn's
New York Times Obituary.)


  1. I used to also watch him in the series Hustle, which strangely was a British made series.

  2. I very much enjoyed that series, JC, but felt that he was never really given enough to do.

  3. The N.Y. Times had a good write-up on him--he had a long career, and he seemed to be extremely satisfied with it. I always enjoyed seeing him in a part.

  4. Yes, I read that, CF - I'll maybe provide a link to it.

  5. So, now, all of The Magnificent Seven (from the 1960 version) are gone.

    Never saw Hustle, and I don't know offhand whether it ever aired in the US. I (of course) remember The Man From U.N.C.L.E., and also The Protectors.

    He could play heroes and villains equally well. He will be naturally be remembered for Napoleon Solo, and some fans will also remember him as Harry Rule, and some older fans may remember the company commander in "The Lieutenant." But a lot of us will also remember the oily politician in "Bullitt," and some will remember the murderous husband in a 1970's stage production of Dial M For Murder.

  6. At least one series of Hustle was partially funded by American money, TC, so it was probably aired in the States, even if it was only on the BBC channel over there. It's interesting that, in his autobiography, he gives The Protectors only a passing mention. Him and Gerry Anderson didn't get on apparently. Another legend gone, alas.

  7. Ah, The Protecters..."In the avenues and alleyways..." fantastic theme tune.

  8. Fantastic theme tune, so-so programme.

  9. No mention of this on the radio yesterday. This is the first I'd heard of it!
    If I remember correctly, he also appeared in Coronation Street in later life, as somebody's American boyfriend?

  10. Yeah - wasn't that long ago either. Couple of years or so. I don't watch Coronation Street, but I wouldn't mind viewing extracts featuring Robert's performance.

    1. Without checking I think he was going out with Roy Cropper's mother and wanted to turn his cafe into an American-style "Texas Burger Bar", or something like that?

  11. Roy Cropper? Sounds like a D.C. Thomson character from Hotspur or Victor.


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