Tuesday 1 November 2016


Images copyright LUCASFILM Ltd

Are you a STAR WARS fan?  Are you a comicbook fan?  Then this is the book for you!  I'll let the spiel on the back cover (below) speak for itself, so instead, let's look at ROY THOMAS's introduction to the OMNIBUS volume, reprinted as one of the bonus features in the back of this book.  Roy recalls seeing a rough cut of the film, wherein DAVE PROWSE's voice hadn't yet been dubbed by JAMES EARL JONES, and describes him as having a "thick Scottish accent".  Well, slap me with a wet kipper and call me 'Bob' - Prowse comes from Bristol, and sounds nowhere near Scottish.

It reminds me of the time BOB HOPE's writers had actress JILL St. JOHN describe SEAN CONNERY as a "typical Welshman" in a show for a U.S. Air Force Base in Madrid.  I'm sure Sean wouldn't have been well-pleased, proud Scotsman that he is.  So what, if anything, have we learned from this?  One thing at least - Americans seem to be total crap at distinguishing accents, simple as that.  However, they have been known to produce some very good comicbooks, so we forgive them for their 'tin' ears.  Big of us, eh?

Okay, back to the book.  You can buy your very own copy at your nearest comics shop or bookstore.  Remember - last one there is a big girl's blouse!


  1. They should've put the back cover image on the front cover - it's a more accurate representation of the fun to be found on the inside than that dull looking crowd on the front...

  2. I suppose they picked the front one because it had the main characters from the movie, THB.

  3. I really like the Star Wars movies (well most of them) but I never liked the original Marvel comic version - Dark Horse did it best until the new Marvel/Disney Star Wars books came out which I think look stunning (got to give Disne some credit)

  4. The Star Wars movies never quite did it for me for some reason, and although I bought the weekly, I could never really get into it. Perhaps seeing the stories full-length (not divided into parts) and in colour might sway me when I get 'round to reading them. Haven't seen the Dark Horse or new Marvel/Disney stuff.

  5. The art in the new MARVEL books is prety good on some titles - I picked a few first issues up but as not a fan of Film to comic errr comics I don't usualy follow them

  6. None of the characters really appeal to me,PM, so I'll probably give them a miss. I'm sure I'll enjoy the volume I've got 'though - simply because it's a way of returning to that time in the '70s when I was yet a youngster.


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