Sunday 4 September 2016


Dr. WHO and related images copyright BBC TV

WORLD DISTRIBUTORS must've thought their 1966 Dr. WHO Annual would be a sell-out as they printed quite a number of them.  However, they were left with a high volume unsold, so the next Annual had a lower print run, meaning that, today, it's an even bigger collectors' item than the first and commands a much higher price.

I'd imagine the fact that the book was filled with text stories and no comic strips made it less attractive to young readers, which is why the 1967 Annual included at least one that I know of - MISSION To DUH.  Although the illustrations in the Annual you see here weren't particularly great, the likenesses of WILLIAM HARTNELL were usually spot on.  One day I must sit down and read the stories.

Here's a taste of what you missed if you didn't have this book back in the day.  And if you did, you now have a pleasant reminder.  I often amaze myself with my generosity to you all, I really do.

Coming in Part Six - JAMES BOND Annual 1969.


  1. Who is Dr. Who ? Tut, tut - he's The Doctor not Dr. Who. The text says "A planet in our galaxy seems to have been his original home" - so I assume Gallifrey hadn't been established as the Doctor's homeworld yet ?

  2. Well, it's a word play, CJ, but as I've said before, he was named as Dr. Who in the credits of the TV show in the '60s and in the revival a few years back, so the name is a legitimate one. And you assume correctly in regard to Gallifrey.

  3. Whenever he said "I'm the Doctor", somebody should have replied "Doctor who ?". Nobody ever did but it could have been a long-running joke on the show. They missed a trick there.

  4. They never missed that trick, CJ - it was used in the very first episode, and it's been repeated since then. (In the revived series as well.)

  5. I think he was listed as Dr Who in the end credits right up to, and including, the Tom Baker days.

  6. Yup, it's quite traditional, BS. He'll always be Dr. Who to me. Maybe his Gallifreyan name is Hu - wouldn't that be something?

  7. I read the stories on Christmas Day, 1965 and later in the day watched DW slides from my Chad Valley Projector! A truly HAPPY Christmas!
    They really should reissue this first annual, as they have recently done with the very first novel, (complete with pink dust jacket!)

  8. I didn't know about the reissue of the hardback with dustjacket, JP. Do you know where I could get one? (I've got about 4 or 5 different paperback versions of it 'though.)

    1. I am already trying to find the post where I recently saw it. Soon as I find it, I'll pass it on.

    Ah now, I don't think it's out yet in this country until Nov. 1.
    But, if you want you can preorder from, who will be getting it before us in the States?

  10. Thanks for that, JP, I'll be keeping an eye out for it.

      Even better, preorder now from here and get 10% off! I've ordered mine!

    AND....I've just opened up for business!

  12. It's been in my blog list for a while now, JP, but there's something wrong with it. If I click on the blog name, I get nothing but gobbeldy-gook text. I have to click on the name of the latest post instead to be taken to it. Yet strangely the link in your above comment works perfectly fine.

    1. That's wierd, anyway, just delete the old link and paste in the above.
      Anyway, I'm going to run it more like a website-come-blog, rather than the usual kind of forum, can't be doing with that side of things. It's for free sharing of stuff that has been freely shared with me!

  13. Doesn't work, JP. If I cut and paste in the above link to my blog list I get the same result as before for some reason.

    1. Well just delete it from your bloglist and forget about it. You know where I am now!
      Anyway, edited your typo for you! Can't have my mate's debut spoiled, can I?

  14. I'll leave it there, JP, because it works if you click on the post title instead of the site title and people will soon learn. Ta for the edit - is there any way you can make the feature available to commenters?

  15. Hiya Kid, I'll look into the above in a mo, but first, that post you thought had disappeared hadn't - it is in a different thread in the "BOOKS" BOARD, titled "THE FIRST DOCTOR WHO NOVEL TO BE REISSUED"
    Back in a bit....

  16. No, sorry Kid, checked with the forum host and it's not available to guests.
    But, if you just note your ammendment in another post underneath, I'll tidy it up for you (and any commenter), so that it's unnoticeable!

  17. Yeah, but that post isn't showing anymore when I visit your site. Checked a few times now, can't see it. I'll try again shortly.

  18. All sorted, Kidda, no probs!

  19. I've got a good rōle model, - a very modest host!

  20. I'm very proud of my modesty, JP - and well-known for it.


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