Wednesday 28 September 2016


"Linda, Linda, wish you were mine"
run the words of a song.  Very apt, as any
man would wish LINDA THORSON was
his.  That makes Linda a popular woman!
She certainly is with me anyway.


  1. I always liked Linda. She was cute, but, by the time Diana Rigg left, The Avengers had probably already run its course. Somehow, it just felt like the magic was over.

    Of course, it was not only The Avengers. By 1968, the fads for spy-fi and superheroes were passing. Batman, The Green Hornet, The Wild Wild West, and The Man (and Girl) From U.N.C.L.E. had all either already been cancelled, or were obviously on the way out.

  2. My impression (going from memory) is that by the time Linda joined The Avengers, any pretence of realism had been completely abandoned and fantasy and surrealism held sway. The Avengers with Diana had often had elements of tongue-in-cheek, but it went into hyper-drive when Linda joined. Nothing to do with Linda of course, she was simply lumbered with it. Bond movies have always had elements of self-parody, but The final series of The Avengers took it too far and audiences soon tired of it. Writers Spooner and Clemens said, I believe, that they knew it would be the last series, so abandoned any and all restraint, and tried to be as outlandish as possible. Steed and Mrs. Peel were probably The Avengers at their best. (I did particularly fancy Linda 'though.)


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