Thursday, 18 August 2016


Images copyright MARVEL COMICS

Not exactly a new release, but a fairly recent one which I'm sure you'll like to check out, is the MARVEL MASTERWORKS The CHAMPIONS volume, which is a slightly thicker publication than usual.  Taking the lazy way out (as is my wont), I'll let the info on the front cover speak for itself, as nothing I say will sell this book any better than it can sell itself.  There's one slight glitch however, which is that page 265 has been printed bigger than the others, and therefore the page number and word balloon 'intermingle'.  A minor flaw to be sure, but still just a tad irksome.

The page number and the word 'expert' obscure one another

At least the image hasn't been inadvertently cropped, and hey - it's only one page in the entire book.  So why not get yourselves 'round to your nearest comics shop at the earliest opportunity, and purchase this handsome, heavy, 470-plus page valorous volume?  Altogether now - "We are the Champions..."


  1. Handsome volume. I have these stories in the original and in two slick trades from some years past. I do want to say, your review of the Epic Hulk collection caused me to pick that up just yesterday. I've been looking at it and it's a great set of stories, all of which I have, but not all together and in color.

    Rip Off

  2. I've got the first issue of The Champions, Rip, and I've read some of the other stories in Marvel Superheroes (a b&w U.K. Marvel monthly from the late '70s and '80s), but it's good to see them all in colour. As for that Hulk Epic Collection, isn't it a beauty? I keep picking it up and going through it - even 'though I already have the Masterworks and Omnibus volumes. Glad I was of some service and that you bought the book.


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