Saturday 20 August 2016


Images copyright MARVEL COMICS

Here's one of semi-regular commenter CJ's all-time favourite super-teams - second only to the original X-MEN, who he's likewise a big fan of.  (I got that right, Col, didn't I?)  Kidding aside, we now turn our attention to the final fab nine covers in our gallery of MARVEL's The CHAMPIONS.  Any further comment by me would be superfluous - so let's just look at dynamic art.

However, if you'd like to reminisce about when you first read these issues, the comments section awaits your input.


  1. Kid, you mentioned in a previous comment that the Champions had been in Marvel Superheroes - I'd completely forgotten about that. I only remembered the Avengers and Ms. Marvel being in Marvel Superheroes - I must have thought the Champions were so dull that I forgot I'd ever read them :D

  2. Och, you're not fooling anyone, CJ. We all know you're a huge Champions and original X-Men fan. Admit it, or you'll go to the bad fire. (You'll know, of course, what I refer to as we also all know your favourite book is The Bible (which you read every night). And I bet you've also got a complete run of 2000 A.D. secretly stashed away somewhere.

    Or maybe that's the CJ on Earth 2 I'm thinking of?


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