Saturday 20 August 2016


Images copyright LEO BAXENDALE

I bought this booklet back in 1995 (21 years ago - wow!), so it's certainly not a new publication and many of you may already have it.  However, for those fans of LEO BAXENDALE who don't, it's an entertaining little read and well-worth adding to your collection.  I'd imagine that it's still readily available from REAPER BOOKS, the link to which can be found in my blog list.

This 40 page softcover booklet features BABY BASIL, his big brother WILLY The KID, and all their pals.  Go on treat yourself today.  Leo will even autograph it for you.  (Update: Sadly no longer possible as Leo has passed away since I first published this post.)


  1. I got that book as well but darn it Leo didn't sign my copy - its favouritism I tells ya!!! A nice wee book(let) I have to say

  2. Ah, but did you ask him to, PM? Nice Popeye impression by the way.

  3. Oh that's a good point Kid, no I didn't ask him - I did sent a nice wee fanboy letter with my order though Im not smarter than the average fanboy after all (a wee Yogi attempt there)

  4. Nah, your Popeye one's better, PM. I think he autographed everything I bought from him. Having said that, I only bought two or three books from him, 'though I've been meaning to buy more.

  5. Never even heard of this! Think I owe myself a treat perhaps...

  6. Of course you do, THB. I look forward to seeing your review of it on your blog.


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