Tuesday 9 August 2016


Copyright DC COMICS

I recall seeing the above comic in one of my town centre's local R.S. McCOLL's newsagents back in the early '70s, but I don't think I bought it then.  However, I took the time to thumb through it, and when I finally acquired and read the ish quite a few years later, it was much as I remembered it.  JUDGE DREDD was faced with a similar plot in one of his adventures (which eventually became a movie) and I've always wondered if the idea was nicked from inspired by MISTER MIRACLE #3.

What do you think?


  1. I hadn't made the connection between the Dredd movie and this comic, but they are similar now that you mention it. I really enjoy that movie, it's one of the best adaptations from comics I've seen in recent years. Love that Urban never takes the helmet off.

    Rip Off

  2. I've yet to see that movie, Rip - wasn't too impressed by the trailer. However, it's been on TV so I'll no doubt catch it eventually.

  3. The Urban flick is great, it's got the feel of a 70's or 80's sci fi flick about it, only better. There's some great photogimicky effects but it keeps the action believable, well relatively believable.

  4. My reservations about the movie came from seeing the trailer, which made the film look like it had been shot in Milton Keynes and lacked a futuristic feel to it, but I'll be sure to let you know if I revise that impression when I eventually get around to seeing it, DSE.


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