Sunday 7 August 2016



It's been a while since we looked at any KEN REID art, so here's an episode of QUEEN Of The SEAS from SMASH! #5, cover-dated March 5th 1966.  Reid's artwork was a delight when he was at the height of his powers, and he was certainly firing on all cylinders when he drew this strip.  Sadly, towards the end of his career, while he was still capable of rendering the fine detail for which he was famous, the 'life' somehow seemed to have gone out of his drawings, leaving his pages somewhat stilted.  However, by then he'd done more than enough to ensure his place in the top tier of British cartooning greats.  All hail the mighty Ken Reid!


  1. Good to see one of these again for a bit of a Ken Reid fix. Noticed his signature quite plain to see on the 2nd page. Did he sign all of his work and sometimes it was removed prior to press, or did he only autograph the ones he was happy with? Thanks for posting.

  2. I used to have quite a number of pages of Ken's original art, PC, and if I recall correctly, it was all signed, 'though his name had been whited out in a few of them. I don't know if he signed all of them throughout his career at IPC 'though. He may have eventually given up when he saw that his name wasn't appearing in the printed comic.


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