Tuesday 16 August 2016


Here's JULIE NEWMAR in her pre-CAT-
(Best case of typecasting I've ever seen.)


  1. Happy birthday to her!

  2. Indeed. Still looks good for her age.

  3. In that same movie, Daisy Mae (Leslie Parrish) frets that she will end up a spinster because she is "already crowding eighteen," and another character assures her that she has "more left over than a lot of gals started out with." The same could probably be said about Julie.

  4. They're both gorgeous, TC. Note that Leslie is standing on her toes even 'though she's bare-footed, no doubt not wanting to be outshone by Julie in the pins department.

  5. I also read in the news there will be a batman cartoon DVD and Adam West, Burt and Julie are doing the voices of their old characters. So keep an eye out.

  6. Adam West and Burt Ward are no strangers to voicing cartoon versions of Batman and Robin. They did so back in the '70s, if I recall correctly. I wonder if the new cartoons will 'process' their voices to make them sound younger?

  7. Adam West and Burt Ward voiced Batman & Robin in a 1977 cartoon series. West also voiced Batman in the Super Friends in 1984 and Super Powers Team in 1985. He was the voice of the mayor in The Batman (2004-06). And, in a 2010 episode of Batman: The Brave & the Bold on Cartoon Network, there was a flashback scene retelling Batman's origin story. Adam West and Julie Newmar voiced Bruce Wayne's parents.

    In an episode of Disney's Kim Possible in 2003, West was the voice of Timothy North, a retired actor who had played the Fearless Ferret in a 1960's TV series. That episode spoofed the 1966 Batman TV show, the 1989 movie, Batman Beyond, and cable TV rerun channels (the Ferret series was being rerun on "TV Trash Heap"). West also voiced a similar character (a retired actor who had played "Catman") on the Fairly Oddparents series.

  8. I'm sure you're also aware, TC, that Adam West was offered a cameo role as Bruce Wayne's father in the 1989 Batman movie, but he declined. Perhaps he saw it as an attempt to symbolically kill off 'his' Batman, who knows? Anyway, he seems to be doing well on the voice-over circuit, that's for sure. Thanks for the info.


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