Sunday 24 July 2016


This was the theme originally intended for the
before the 007 producers jettisoned it in favour of
TOM JONES' now classic song.  Mr. KISS KISS
BANG BANG is how Japanese fans refer to
Bond, in case you were wondering.


  1. It's a Bond tune but the lyrics make no sense since you need the title of the song in it. Would be great for a movie called Mr. Kiss kiss bang bang though.

  2. The Spy Who loved Me theme was called 'Nobody Does It Better' (although it DID have the title in the lyrics), and Casino Royale was called 'You know My Name', which, as far as I remember, didn't have the title. So there's a precedent for Bond themes without the title. And as it's a James Bond film and the title refers to James Bond, it could be argued that it should get a pass. Incidentally, the instrumental version of the theme was in the movie.

  3. That's an okay song but I think I prefer the Tom Jones one - was this rejected because the title was a bit naughty ? I remember watching Shirley Bassey on TV and she sang a terrific song called "Kiss me, honey honey, kiss me" - I'd never heard the song before but I loved it.

  4. I'd guess it was passed over because its title was thought to be a bit obscure, CJ. I'd imagine that both songs were commissioned at the same time to give the producers a choice, and Thunderball is clearly the superior title song, hence them going with it. Heard the 'Kiss Me Honey' song when I was a kid - yeah, it's quite catchy.

  5. As you say, the instrumental version was in the movie. IIRC, it was background music during the Junkanoo scene where Bond is dancing with Fiona. I would assume it was also on the soundtrack album.

  6. Having had the soundtrack in my possession for many years now, TC, I can confirm that it does indeed contain the instrumental track.


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